PandaSuite Studio Updates

PandaSuite Studio benefits from regular updates to add new features and improve the user experience. On average, the tool is updated 2 to 3 times a week. These updates allow you to stay at the forefront of technology.

This also includes bug fixes and optimizations, ensuring increased stability and reliability. Thanks to this evolutionary maintenance, PandaSuite offers a powerful and versatile tool, allowing you to create high-quality interactive and immersive experiences.

Find out the version number

To find out the version number of PandaSuite, go to the project menu > Help. We recommend closing and reopening PandaSuite Studio regularly to benefit from the latest updates.

Update a component

Moreover, some components do not update automatically. If one of these components has already been integrated into a project, an Update the component button will appear. We recommend thoroughly testing your component after this operation.

When a new component is added, the latest version is used.

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