The Hotkeys component

The Hotkey component in PandaSuite enhances user interaction by allowing quick access to functions within your app through keyboard shortcuts. This component is particularly useful for improving efficiency, accessibility, and user experience, enabling users to trigger specific actions without navigating through menus.

How to set up a hotkey

To set a hotkey, you need to add a new marker: 

  • Click on Component and add a new Hotkey component to your project
  • Click on the Record button to start recording the keyboard shortcut, press one or multiple keys and then create a marker by clicking on the + button

  • The marker is created

You can add as many markers/hotkeys as you want.

Triggering Events

You can set up the Hotkey component to trigger events based on different conditions:

  • Key pressed: This option allows any key press to trigger the associated action.
  • Marker pressed: This option enables you to specify particular keys or key combinations that will trigger the action.

These settings help customize user interactions, making your app more intuitive and responsive.

Use Case with Physical Buttons

Imagine creating an interactive kiosk for a museum exhibit. The kiosk has physical buttons that visitors can press to learn more about different artifacts. By integrating the Hotkey component, you can map each physical button to a specific key on a keyboard. For example, pressing Button A on the kiosk could be mapped to the "A" key on a keyboard, triggering a detailed description of an artifact. This setup ensures that the physical buttons seamlessly interact with the digital content, enhancing the visitor experience.

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