Get the P12 Android certificate
The first step for every Google Play submission is to have a Google Developer account. If you already have an account, you can follow next steps.
Android requires that your application is signed using a P12 certificate, which private key is managed by the application developer. You can use self-signed certificates, no certification authority is required.
The .keystore files are also supported for the signature of the application.
There are different methods for creating certificates. You can use the Keytool utility to create a certificate on a MacOS computer, or Java SDK (also called JDK) on Windows.
Create a certificate file using Keytool (MacOS)
Open the Terminal application (Applications> Utilities).Copy and paste the following line:
cd ~/Desktop && keytool -genkey -v -keystore certificat_android.p12 -alias pandasuite -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12 -validity 10000
Enter twice your password (and remember it !!)
Follow the guidelines to specify the certificate information.
When you are asked to confirm your choice, enter Yes, and press Enter to use the same password.
Get your certificate on your desktop, copy it where you want.
Create a certificate file using SDK (JDK/Windows)
Download and install Java SDK (JDK).
(Optional) You can set a permanent path for running Java SDK commands. You can then enter JDK commands such as "keytool" from any path and you will not have to access the Java SDK directory. To understand how to do, see step 4 on the official website
Open a command line. For example, type "command" in the Run field or the search field.
If you haven't set a permanent path, go to the directory in which the JDK commands are. For example, type cd \, and then cd program files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_24 \ bin (indicate the correct release number).
Copy and paste the following line:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore certificat_android.p12 -alias pandasuite -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype pkcs12 -validity 10000
Enter twice your password (and remember it !!)
Follow the guidelines to specify the certificate information.
Get your certificate, copy it where you want.
If the certificate file is not created, replace "-keystore myname.keystore" with a target path (for example,-keystore c:\users\bob\certificat_android.p12) to which you have access.