Crop Image
You can define the visible part of your image and its shape (square, round, bubble, triangle, star, etc). You can create a mask on every image of your project.
- To create a mask, go to the Properties window of your image and click on ADD MASK: you are now entering a specific mode, with the green color.
- You can change dimensions by expanding/reducing the borders of your image with your mouse or by using the toolbar above. You can also move the mask.
Note: the default shape is square, but you can change the type of shape in the Properties window. For some shapes, you can also move the mask or round its corners.
- Once you've added a mask, this button becomes EDIT MASK. You can double-click on the image to edit the mask.
If you want to delete a mask, click on the Trash icon in the Properties window.
Be careful. once you insert an image in a Gallery component, this image is automatically cropped according to the visible zone of the component. If you want to replace the source of an image with another (using the blue button in Properties, you need to use an image with the same ratio. Otherwise it will be distorted.
Learn more about images: Insert an image.