The Multi-state component
The Multi-State component in PandaSuite allows you to manage animations on individual objects or groups of objects.
It is ideal for creating interactive effects such as buttons with different states (normal, hover, clicked), appearance effects, or transformations of visual elements. For more global animations that affect the entire screen, it is preferable to use screen states or foregrounds.
In the example above, the Multi-State component includes 2 states:
- The first state where the content of the popover is present but not visible (opacity at 0%).
- The second state linked to the first, where this content becomes visible (opacity at 100%). The Multi-State transitions from one state to another when the button is clicked.
💡 It is essential to master transitions and related states to create animations using the Multi-state component. We recommend reading this article beforehand: Transitions.
Use cases
- Interactive buttons: create buttons with different visual states (normal, hovered, clicked).
- Appearance/disappearance effects: animate objects to make them appear or disappear smoothly.
- Element transitions: manage changes in shape, size, or color of an object.
Setting up the component
- Click on Components and choose Multi-State.
- Place the component wherever you like on the canvas.
- Double-click inside the component area to edit the content: a first state is automatically created.
- You can insert any type of content inside: images, shapes, text, and even other components.
You can also use the Convert to Multi-State option available from the application menu (Layout > Convert to Multi-State) to transform an existing group of elements into a Multi-State component.
Adding new states
✨ To create appearance and transition effects, it is necessary to create new states. If you want a transition between two states, they must be linked.
To add a new state:
- Make sure you are inside the component.
- Go to the component's editing area on the left side of the screen.
- Click the + button to add a new linked state and use the dropdown arrow to choose between a linked or independent state.
You can create an unlimited number of states and navigate between them from the left panel.
Component features
Default state
In the properties panel, you can select a default state, which will be automatically displayed when the component loads. If you do not set anything, and the user returns to this screen, the component will display the last shown state.
Trigger events
To trigger an action from the Multi-State component, select the component and open the Actions window. In addition to standard triggers (Tap Click, Mouse Enter, Key Press...), you can trigger an action when each state is displayed. This allows you to change the state automatically without user interaction.
Interactive actions
To interact with this component, select a trigger (e.g., a button) and choose the Act on a Component action. Select the Multi-State component, and you can choose from the following actions:
- Select a State: Choose a state from the list.
- Next State: Set an interval and enable Loop Mode.
- Previous State: Set an interval and enable Loop Mode.
- Random State.
To trigger an action from the Multi-state component, select this component and open the Actions window. In addition to the standard triggers (Click, Mouseover, Key...), you can trigger an action upon the display of each state. This way, you can automatically change the state without user interaction.
Best practices and tips
We recommend renaming each state clearly to simplify navigation and management.
Examples of using the Multi-state component
Hover button
Create two linked states and create a state change action on mouseover and another on mouseout.
Create two linked states and create a state change action on click.