PandaSuite relies on public clouds and their high levels of security. Amazon's AWS infrastructure is designed to meet the strictest security requirements.
User data is hosted in data centers located in France and in Europe and is administered from France. They are distributed and duplicated on data centers of different regions. Backups are made several times a day, then daily.
French and European data protection laws apply.
Quality of service
The PandaSuite service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Over the last 12 months, the measured service availability is of the order of 99.99%.
In order to ensure this high availability, critical services are redundant and monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Customer data is backed up daily and stored encrypted on a separate infrastructure.
Data protection
The user protects access to his data by defining a login/password the first time he logs in.
Authentication can be strengthened by integrating a Single Sign On (SSO) solution.
All user data is encrypted, in transit (TLS1.2) and at rest (XTS-AES-256).
The platform is protected against malware. The system is continuously monitored, the antivirus database is updated daily (Detectify, live Kubernetes patch...).
PandaSuite complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD). The technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the security of our clients' data have been put in place.
The PandaSuite application implements, from the design stage, the security standards derived from the OWASP (Top 10 / ASVS) and the ANSSI reference frame.
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