The Camera component
Control the camera from your app: take a picture without leaving the app and display it in your interface.
📱 This feature is only available for web and native mobile apps.
Take a photo
Insert the Camera component in your screen.
A graphic object is automatically created: this area allows you to display the camera view from your application. If you do not want to display this view, place this component outside the screen.
In the properties, you can choose the orientation of the camera: Front or Back. If the device has multiple cameras, you can also choose the selected camera: Standard, Ultra Wide or Telephoto. By defautt it will be the Standard one.
To take a picture, select a button and choose the action: Interact with a component > Camera > Take a picture.
Add a button to take a photo
Display the photo from the camera
To display the photo, simply connect the source of an image to this component.
Insert an image in your interface: it serves as a template and will be automatically replaced by your photo. Select this image, click on Source from the properties and set the following path: From a component > Camera > Image.
Add a data binding to an image
That's it! The photo is stored locally on the application but you can send it to another service using Webhook (Zapier, Make).