Install an iOS In House app on an iPad/iPhone

💡In-House iOS deployment allows you to install an iOS app directly from a secure download link and outside the App Store. During the first installation, it is necessary to approve the developer's certificate on your device.

Install an iOS In-House app

Follow the steps below to install an iOS In-House application on on iPhone/iPad:

Go to your dashboard, select your app and go to the iOS/Android section
Copy and paste the hosting link of your iOS & Android files: this is the link you need to send to your users to install the application. 

Open this page from an iPhone/iPad and click on the Download button 


Your browser will then display a confirmation box indicating that wants to install an application: click on Install.

Trust a certificate on a device

When the application is first launched, an error message may be displayed indicating that the company that signed this application is not approved by the user.
To trust the certificate:

Go to iPhone/iPad Settings, General section


Click on Profile and Device Management

Click on the name of the distribution certificate in the Enterprise App section

Click on Trust us... and validate.

It will then be possible to install and run all In-House applications signed by this company (i.e. using the same Distribution Certificate) on this device.
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