Submit new version on App Store Connect
In the case of a mobile application published on the App Store and Google Play, if you add new features or bug fixes to your application, you must generate and submit a new API or APK.
On the Apple App Store
To submit a new API, you must upload it using Application Transporter and create a new version on App Store Connect.
Upload to Application Transporter
Open Application Transporter (instead of Application Loader, this is the MacOS software that allows you to upload your IPA files to App Store Connect)
Choose Create an app or drag and drop your API file directly.
Once your file has been uploaded into the interface, click Deliver
Create New Version (App Store Connect)
Open App Store Connect and select your app
Create a new version by clicking on +VERSION OR PLATFORM below the list and choose iOS.
Enter the version number you specified when generating the new IPA
Fill in the description paragraph: What's new in this version. This is what will appear in the App Store with the announcement of the availability of this new version.
In the Build section, choose the build you have just uploaded via Application TransporterFinalize the procedure
Now all you have to do is wait for a validation from Apple and your new version will be officially online!