
The Authentication component allows you to display an authentication form within your application. This is the visual part of authentication, it must be associated with a session. For the moment only Firebase is available, that's why this component must necessarily be associated with the Firebase Session component. 

In this article

Insert an authentication form

Click on Components and choose Authentication

First you need to associate your component with a session: select the component Firebase session in your project.

First, you must have inserted a Firebase Session Session Firebase component in your project. Associate your Authentication component to this component.

Force email verification

This is an additional email validation step in which the person receives an email with a validation web link. This step is required before accessing the application.

Advanced user fields

These fields are required when registering the user: Position and Company.

If you choose this option, you must have performed the Cloud Firestore configuration (see article Firebase session ). 

Communication and usage terms

This option adds a checkbox for validating the usage conditions. A new trigger event is exposed ( Conditions clicked) on the Authentication component: it allows to associate an action in the user journey. 

Customize the appearance 

You can customize the CSS style of the form by clicking on the button Edit button on the Properties window.

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