Connect to Firebase Analytics

Connect your native iOS and/or Android app to Firebase to collect usage data.

Firebase is a mobile app development platform offered by Google, providing a multitude of services to facilitate app development, growth, and analysis. 

Connecting your app to Firebase will allow you to collect accurate and actionable data about the usage of your application. You can obtain information about active users, key events, user journeys, and even define conversion goals.

Create a Firebase Project

💡 If you have already created a Firebase project for the session and user data of your application, you can reuse the same project and proceed to the next step.

Here is how to create a new Firebase project:

  • Choose a name 

  • For analytics, you need to select a Google Analytics account

  • Once the project is created, go to the dashboard. Here, you need to add an application: iOS, Android, or both depending on your distribution.

💡 If your application is available for both iOS and Android, you should add the iOS app first and then create the Android app.

Add an iOS App

Here is how to add an iOS app to track statistics for an iOS app:

  • On the Firebase dashboard, click on the iOS icon
  • In the form, enter the Bundle ID of your application. The other fields are optional.

  • Click on the Download GoogleService-Info.plist button

  • For the following steps, click Next and return to the console

  • Go to your PandaSuite dashboard in the Apps section > Settings > Firebase Configuration

  • Import the .plist file, and the fields will be automatically filled

  • Copy and paste the application ID
  • Go to the Analytics section and click on Add a tracker

  • Choose Firebase for iOS and paste the application ID

  • Your iOS app is successfully connected

Add an Android App

Here's how to add an Android app to track statistics for an Android app:

  • On the dashboard, click on the Android icon

  • In the form, enter the Package name of your app. The other fields are optional.

  • Click on the Download google-services.json button

  • For the following steps, click Next and return to the console
  • Go to your PandaSuite dashboard in the Apps section > Settings > Firebase Configuration
  • Import the .json file, and the fields will be automatically filled. 
  • 💡 If you have already imported the corresponding .plist file for the iOS app in the interface, replace it with the .json file for the Android app.

  • Copy the application ID
  • Go to the Analytics section and click on Add a tracker
  • Choose Firebase for Android and paste the application ID

  • Your Android app is successfully connected

View Data

Go to the Analytics section of your Firebase console to access the data.

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