The Firebase Session component

The Firebase Session component allows you to manage user logins and sessions within your PandaSuite application. With this component, you can easily integrate Firebase authentication and associate specific data with each user, such as a score, progress, or access type.

This component can be used with or without a user interface, depending on your needs.

In this article

Enable Authentication via Firebase

Firebase is Google's mobile platform that enables the creation of a scalable and high-performance backend, primarily dedicated to mobile applications. The backend represents the server side of the application, handling responsibilities such as authentication, storage, notifications, etc.

💡 You need to have created a Firebase project for your application. Follow this tutorial to create a new project, then follow the instructions below.

Enable Email/Password Login

Add an authentication method for your application.

  • Go to Authentication and click on Get Started.
  • In the Sign-in method tab, select Email/Password and click on Enable.


You now have an email and password authentication procedure.

Configure Cloud Firestore

Cloud Firestore is a database specific to Firebase. It allows you to associate data with your users.

  • Go to the Firestore Database tab. Click on Create Database.


  • Choose the Start in test mode option.



  • Go to the Rules tab: you need to update the security rules to avoid being blocked after 30 days. Copy and paste the code below:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /users/{userId} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userId


Your Cloud Firestore configuration is ready.

Insert the Firebase Session Component

Click on Components and choose Firebase Session. To make the component accessible throughout the application, insert it at the project level.

In the properties, copy/paste the Project ID and the API Key from the Firebase console.


These details are available in the Project Settings on Firebase.



Force Authentication After (hours)

This option specifies the number of hours (after identification) during which the session remains valid, even without an internet connection. Beyond this number of hours, an internet connection will be required to continue. When the session is still valid, the user will not need to log in again. By default, a value of 0 creates an infinite session.

💡 Don't forget to insert the Authentication component to display the login form in your application.

Trigger an Action Based on User's Connection Status

To trigger an action based on the session state, select the Firebase Session component and add an action. Choose from the following triggers:

  • User Connected: The user session is valid. This trigger can be used to proceed to the next screen if the user is logged in.
  • User Disconnected: The user session has expired. This can redirect the user to the login screen.

You can also disconnect the user: Act on a Component > Firebase Session > Logout.

Manage Your Users

You can manage your users directly on Firebase. Go to Authentication and the Users tab to access the user database. You can view user email, creation date, last login date, and unique user ID.

You can also associate data with your users, such as a score, progress, or profile.

Session Management Without User Interface (Headless Usage)

If you want to design a fully customized interface, you can use Firebase Session without a visual interface. This headless usage allows you to manage sessions in the background while building a tailored UI.

Features available in headless usage:

  • Email and password authentication: You can integrate Text Input fields to enter credentials, then trigger the authentication action.

  • Login with a custom token: Ideal for systems where the backend generates secure tokens.

  • Registration with custom fields: Use the Traits field to collect additional information for each user. This can include survey responses or qualification data, which enriches user profiles to offer a more personalized experience.

  • Error management: When an error occurs, such as a poorly formatted email, the Login Error or Registration Error event captures the error message. You can store this message in a variable and display it using a Condition or Text component.

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