Export the APK / AAB file

The APK file (Android PacKage) is a package containing the files of an application in Android format. It is thanks to it that it is possible to install an application on your device. You can export the APK file of your application from your dashboard. 

💡 From August 2021, Google requires a new format for new applications entering the Play Store: the Android App Bundle (AAB) format. This lighter format replaces the old APK format. It is now possible to export your application in AAB format and the APK format remains used for side loading.

Export the APK / AAB file

Go to your dashboard > Publishing and select your app. 

Go to Android/iOS tab and click the Export APK / AAB button.

Add the icon, name and splash screens for the app. 

Choose the Distribution Method: Google Play Store or Outside the Store (Unknown Source)

Choose the Signature Options

  • Sign on your own
  • Use PandaSuite credentials
  • Sign with your certificate (EasySign)

If you select Sign with your certificate (EasySign), you must upload P12 certificate, password (if there is a password) and Application ID

Click Create APK file - wait and you will receive in few hours later a mail with your APK.

Export the AAB file

To get your application in AAB format, please export your application in APK format and contact our team. 

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